| Idea
The WEECC Is No Longer Active

Our community is now represented by the: Elliott Community Group
In late 2010 community involvement with the West End Elliott Citizens Council ceased after
47 years of service.
This started with the loss of two very active friends and neighbors:
Elmer Clark who passed on in 2009,
and Norene Beatty who moved to another nearby community. The last known
participant was Matt Hogue.
These pages are no longer maintainted,
and remain online for historical review.
Overlook Dedicated In Memory Of Elmer

Elmer M Clark
Sept. 29, 1940 - Dec. 3, 2009
He was one of the greatest assets that the West End Elliott Citizens
Council ever had. He lived and breathed
for the children and the community. - Norene Beatty
View and sign Elmer's
remberence guestbook
Also see Post Gazette:
news story, and
- The communities with
a view - |
This is past election info, see current info here.
Primary elections were May 18,
(League of Women's Voters
overview here)
Results can be
found here: Democrats,
General elections will be held November 2, 1999.
This election was local, and a lot of it was part of building the new
"Home Rule Charter"
Allegheny County Council, which was created to transfer substantial authority
over our County government from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
people of Allegheny County. For the Allegheny elections, our West End/Elliott
is County Council district 12 (map).
Note that this was a Primary, which selects individuals for the general
election. Thus, since Pennsylvania is a closed Primary state, only party
members could nominate candidates for the General Election. So, you needed
to know if you were registered Democrat or Republican (anything else and
there were no options), and then follow the links next to each candidates
below to to see the list of individuals that ran in your party.
However, for future elections, keep in mind that everyone CAN
vote on all ballot questions regardless of individual party affiliation
(even in a primary). This would include amendments to the state constitution,
bond issues, and special elections. This did not concern this election,
since there were no ballot questions presented. But, it is an issue to
keep in mind, because I've been told that quite often they will sneak the
most important, and perhaps controversial, issues into the primary since
less people vote.
West End/Elliott residents got to vote for:
Allegheny County Council District 12
(pick 1 of 11), list
Allegheny County Council At-large (pick
1 of 5), list here
Allegheny County Chief Executive (pick
1 of 4), list
Allegheny County Controller (pick
1 of 3), list
Allegheny County District Attorney
(pick 1 of 2), list
Allegheny County Clerk of Courts (pick
1 of 3), list
Judge of the Superior Court (pick 2
of 4 candidates), list here
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
(pick 6 of about 60), list
Pittsburgh School Director, District 2
(pick 1 of 3), list here
(the following seats are
Allegheny County Treasurer (pick 1 of 1), list
Allegheny County Register of Wills (pick 1 of 1), list
Allegheny County Prothonotary (pick1 of 1), list
Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds (pick 1 of 1), list
West End political districts, the confusing numbers...
For more information, visit the League
of Womens Voters Greater Pittsburgh chapter.
Questions? Mail Cris at csm@weecc.org.